Unemployed or searching for a new job, are taking some actions, but ultimately are feeling lost, and know that you could benefit from some strategic direction and clarity
Employed and want to assess future role opportunities, but need to have a clear (quantitative and qualitative) process for doing this
About to transition to a new role, team, company, or industry and need to think through what you will need to ensure you are as successful as possible
Ready for a promotion, but need a game plan for how to communicate that – especially when you feel overlooked or undervalued
A manager or mentor, who wants to help others plan their career, but don’t have a great framework to suggest to them
Interested in career coaching, but aren’t quite ready to invest in that yet, and are looking for a good do-it-yourself step
Create your List of Life Goals so that you have a detailed understanding of what components of your life need specific support
Learn about Employee Enablement Factors and create your own rubric by which you can evaluate past and current roles
Evaluate past and current roles in a way you have never before – using a points system with a quantitative outcome
Reflect on the results and determine what role components must exist for your future goals to be supported